This is a brief outline of the different maps.


Middle Housing Table

This isn't realted to social capital, but I had this server and repo up and running at the time, so I just built it here and I haven't transfered it to the right place yet.

Poland Example

This is an example of what I want the map to do. Seamlessly change between Geography, graphical bars and (perferabbly hexes, but I could accept non-overlapping rectangles that gathered?

Populatoin Spike Graph

This isn't realted to social capital, but I had this server and repo up and running at the time, so I just built it here and I haven't transfered it to the right place yet.

Graph/Map of US States

This is a simple model of a graph of US states with data popups.

Working States Tween

This is my current focus. Trying to get the map to change between bars and cloropleth, similar to the poland example.

Test cloropleth to hex

This was my initial attempt to move between cloro and hex. It partially works, but is really ugly.

Trump v. Hillary

This provides an example of how to put a popup box fixed at the bottom of the graph.

Governor Position

This was included as another example for a moving popup tooltip.

Chichago Example

This is another cool graph that tweens between a geography and a graph. Maybe we will use this one for a different project ,or it might have clues how to make the current project work.

Standard US Hex Cartogram

Standard US Square Cartogram